Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Crochet Wrist Sweatband

Since I started trail running and now it is July in Reno, NV where the temperature can hit 100 degree plus, it's HOT here. Even with sweatproof sunscreen, it doesn't matter. At that temperature and creating body heat, you're melting and sweat is going to drip into your face.

So with staying frugal and especially for something like a sweatband...I didn't want to spend money on something that is soaking it up. I went through my old yarn to see what I had and luckily I have some remnants of 100% cotton yarn from when I made dishcloths and eye make-up remover  pads.

Here's the pattern:

  • chain 12
  • in the second stitch, single crochet all the way across
  • chain 2 and turn, double crocheting (through broth loops) all the way across again 
    • Let's call a row of single with a row of double crochet a "set"
  • chain 1 and turn, single crochet (through both loops) all the way across
Repeat this pattern of alternative a double crochet line for a single until you hit your desired length. I did 8 "sets." With my left hand, I just held the seams together and tried pulling the sweatband over my hand a couple of times to make sure that it was snug enough before finishing.

**Remember that the cotton will stretch a little over your hand and you don't want it too baggy. Especially when wet, it can get annoying if it hangs too low on your wrist.

To finish:
  • I single crocheted through the loops of both ends which made a chain along the width of the sweatband. You can sew the ends together for a more seamless look. 
By the way, this sweatband idea can also be used for a coffee cozy if you are in need on one :-) = easy, fast but great Christmas idea.

I like the idea of this sweatband being cotton like a towel because I have used it like a dishcloth when I had nothing else around and a tissue was too flimsy to clean up from dirt (on me) while on the trail.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Fourth of July Nails

JUST got done painting my Fourth of July nails.... I still have to clean them up however you get the idea :-)

Sunday, June 30, 2013

SAFELY enjoying the great Outdoors

Hi Everyone,

I am normally outdoors exercising (weather permitting) and it occurred to me the other day while trail running alone....and no one was on the trail, which is quite odd as it is usually frequented. I realized that there are some extra safety items that I need to get since I'm going out alone:

  1. Whistle - in case I don't have the strength to yell or need to call attention to myself
  2. Mini first aid kit
    • I carry band-aids, antiseptic ointment, blister cream and Tylenol
  3. Water 
  4. Gel or Energy Bar in case I go longer than anticipated 
  5. Medical ID card or bracelet

Some items that I am thinking about getting however not really sure....
  1. Swiss Army Pocket Knife?? 
    • Maybe come in handy. I've also heard that someone protected himself against a mountain lion attack with his pocket knife, yet going up against a mountain lion with a tiny knife is a feat in itself...
  2. Pepper spray or some other sort of protection
    • Honestly, I'm not a big fan of this and think I would carry this if I was more of an urban runner

Any other suggestions? Or is this overkill?

Friday, June 28, 2013

Spending Fast...and Now that I'm Spending AGAIN

Since my Spending Fast, I've had some expenses for school that I have needed to take care of (i.e. immunizations, shoes and upgrading my software on my personal computer); nevertheless, I have been exercising more and enjoying the great weather outside. I couldn't help but wander through REI and look at all the cool, efficient gadgets that are lighter, better, faster than what I have from my Wally world (Wal-mart) equipment. My head was spinning with excitement and the desire for wanting to upgrade.

Unfortunately, here's what I realized with "allowing" myself to spend again:
I feel like I don't have enough...

while on my Fast, I felt like I had everything that which I needed, I just needed to get creative and maybe re-purpose something.

You would think that I would have the opposite feeling of, "I have money and I can provide for myself." So why would I feel the lack? The act of having to go out and get something screamed to me that "I don't have it" and I'm missing it. Instead of, "You already have it. Get creative and make it work."

The only thing that I have felt a little guilty on, which thankful for my mother she changed my perspective, has been buying new trailing running shoes and a hydration pack (both bought on clearance). I tried to make my husband's hydration pack work for me; however, it only held a bladder, leaving me with no where to put house my keys, phone, and maybe an energy bar. And my hiking shoes are heavy while my running shoes.....well, you can see the white inner sole showing through the black outer sole that hits the pavement. I told my mother about this and her response to me was, "Valerie, it's your health and wrecking your knees is not worth it to save some cash." Well said!!!

As for the hydration pack, I did look on Craigslist (I would have changed the bladder/mouthpiece, etc.) but the piece was almost the same. I also spoke with my husband last night who has ran many marathons and leads PT (physical training) for his crew and told him about how I got light headed, vertigo and run was pounding while running yesterday. I never crave sports drinks and this time I did. He confirmed that I was dehydrated so the pack was a good thing to get. I HATE carrying junk while running and having the weight bounce against my back or hips. This is my first time using a pack so I will post a review on the Nathan HPL #020 (I got mine at REI for their 2012 close-out deal = over 25% less than I've tried running with water bottles, and not to say that it can be done; however, running for 1-2 hours or hiking's nice to have something more comfortable. I also like the idea of having my hands free in case I slip and need to catch myself.

  1. "Needing" to go buy less gives you the sensation and satisfaction that you have everything that you need.
  2. And your health is worth it! Don't sacrifice treating your body like a temple. This physical body is what moves your through this world.

P.S. I just watched a lecture by Scott Jurek (ultramarathon runner and fruitarian) on his tips for saving money on gear:
  • Buy on sale and stock up
  • If you are a women's 8 (shoe size) then you are a men's 6 --- see if the men's version works for you. Because the shoe size is so much smaller than what normal men go for, there may be a chance that there is overstock = save money
  • Use what works for you - if you are not racing, throw on a t-shirt and shorts and get out there.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Creamy Pesto Zucchini Pasta

In trying something new as I was starving when got home from school, I grabbed my Raw Food Made Easy for  1 or 2 People cookbook and started searching for a recipe I could make with the ingredients I had.
I tailored the recipe as I don't have a vegetable slicer nor fresh basil leaves for I just used the following:
- zucchini
- potatoes peeler
- an avocado
- pesto (already made in a jar)
In one bowl, since I don't want to dirty up more bowls than I have to, I mashed up the entire avocado and dropped in a spoonful of pesto. Stirred it all up and then started peeling my zucchini to make the ribbons of "linguine." I did this start into the bowl as well. Lastly, I stirred up the whole bowl missing the avocado sauce to cover my linguine and voilĂ !! Finished and I can eat right away.



Monday, June 3, 2013

Spending Fast FINISHED: Conclusions and Lessons Learned

So in retrospect of my Spending Fast, here are some conclusions that I have come to

Eating out/happy hours 1x/week - more of bummer as I was pretty frugal when I did go out = normally spending $10
Hard - I make this sound like I'm a socialite but I'm not. As long as I keep my "mad money" to $10/week (not per event)…..for any and all Happy Hours, lunches, coffee, etc. I think I'm good.
  • This was also harder to plan for if I didn't pack enough lunch or I was running errands and they took longer than anticipated.
Gifts - will be recycling, re-gifting or making all gifts
Medium to Hard - This one wasn't so bad as I have a lot of crafts and got creative however….don't give junk to people. If the person can't really use it, a $10 gift card along with a nice card is much better. I say something is better than nothing, even it's offering to wash and detail someone's car.
  • I hate washing my car so I would love this one.
Easy - besides my bangs which I've been watching YouTube videos on how to do this myself in the future, my hair is long enough to put up or down. I have also been looking at Pinterest for more updo's so when I am do for cut, I can hide it.
Medium - I actually found myself purging clothes than wanting more during this Fast. It made me take a look at what I have, what I actually wear and what I have worn in a LONG time.
New hobbies or crafts
HARD - this was hard for as me I constantly get coupons for Michaels and Jo-Anns however I have so much in boxes already…..I have to contain myself and see what can I repurpose.
Groupons or Living Social Deals
Easy - delete the app and just remind yourself of the goal
Specialty Coffees at Coffee Shops
Easy - I got treated to coffees by nice friends however I won't abuse this and honestly will return the favor, with coffee in the future. I like good coffee yet having a to go cup from home is fine with me.
Contact Lenses
Easy - this was the easiest as I like my glasses = which is KEY!!!


  1. Put your needs before others, if you really want to achieve your goal.
    • This is a hard one for me; however, if you put other people first, then you always put second or last. And what does say about the value you put on your time, energy, money, etc.? It is of value also. And if something is of importance to you, share this with your loved ones so if you miss out of something, they know that you are working towards your goal and when you can, you will be there.
  2. This Spending Fast is NOT about "just getting by in life."
    • Don't be so cheap or frugal to the point that you feel like you are existing to achieve your goals.  Here are some suggestions to still have fun:
      • Organize a picnic in the park
      • Scout out new restaurants that may have a cheap happy hour
      • Offer to clean the yoga studio in return for taking a free class
      • Go for walk with someone instead of eating/drinking
      • Do a hobby or craft with a friend

I'll write a whole page on this later as I came up with a lot of small things to do.

  1. When there is something that really want or need and a possibility of it running out, BUY IT and YOU CAN ALWAYS RETURN IT LATER!!
    • I waited on purchasing material for a quilt for a baby shower as I'm doing this Spending Fast; however, the fabric is now discontinued and I can't find anywhere, not even online. So lesson is: If there is something that heart is really set on and you know it's perfect for what you want or want to achieve (in this case, I KNEW my friend would have loved it for her lil one) = Go For It!! Get rid of the guilt of spending and take advantage of the opportunity.
    • I once had a girlfriend tell me, "If it's exactly what you want, then it's worth it." So far, I have not felt guilty purchasing something more costly when it was EXACTLY what I was searching for. (OK, in the beginning I did; however, I got over it and learned to enjoy my decision as some things are worth it.)
  2. Take advantage of coupons, reward points, timing, and COMBINING them together!!
    • For instance, I had an ULTA reward point that I had to use before the end of the month. I know that I was on my Spending Fast however missing out on the fabric, I was not going to make the same mistake twice. Also, my friend gave me a $5 off coupon and my mascara was on sale for "buy 1 get one 50% off" along with getting a cosmetic bag. When I got to the register, not only did I get my hair accessory (as I only had Category 1 of reward ULTA points) = got for $2 after using the reward points; got 2 of my mascaras and then used  the $5 off coupon; still received the cosmetic bag, yet I also received a free Moroccan Oil bottle for being a loyal customer for coming in the week since it was Memorial Weekend. All in all, I spent $12 when I should have spent more than $25.
  3. If you are going to buy something, be smart and get some cashback $$ for it if you don't have reward points and timing is not of the essence.
    • I signed up for where they pay you for shopping online at 1,600+ websites. First, you log onto the site, then find the online store that you want to shop at, a tracking code is issued to you for that shopping experience and when you check out, you get a certain percentage of cashback reward dollars. Also the site tell you which promotions and coupon codes are going on at the store prior to finishing your purchase.

I got 3% cashback at Burt's Bees = $0.91 along with a $10 Wal-Mart gift card for making my first $25 purchase within the first 90 days of signing up. And on top of this this, I used my Discover card which I get cashback dollars with them as well just for using my credit card to purchase the items.
So I get cashback on the front and back ends of the purchase.

  • By the way, make sure that your address is filled out in your account information in order for to send you a check. A check is not sent until you have $5 accumulated in cashback dollars.
  • You can also have your Paypal account credited or donate to a charity, if that works better for you. 
  • And for the gift card, you can also choose between Targets, Wal-Mart and a couple of other major department stores. I just choose Wal-Mart as I can buy food and it's in my local area.
  • NOTE: Discover card has their own shop online version however they don't have as many vendors as ebates. Any cashback dollars I get from Discover, I use on Amazon as you don't have to have a certain dollars to hit prior to being able to use it. It could be $0.01 and you can use it. Also search on Bing and receive points towards an Amazon gift card, too.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Spending Fast: Day 21 - Get Creative

So  honestly….I'm just wanting to revamp some of my clothes although I realistically, I don't NEED new clothes and the next year of my life is going to be Nursing school. So with going through my closest, I decided to:

  1. Go through and get rid of clothes that I don't wear anymore and are just there
  2. If the clothes are nice enough = give to a girlfriend
  3. If they are just OK or maybe too out of style = REVAMP!!!

And here are some ideas from Pinterest:

Monday, May 13, 2013

Spending Fast: Day 13 - How to Move Beyond Convenience

I’m almost halfway through the month of this Spending Fast, and I’ve noticed my biggest struggle is really fighting against convenience. For instance, you need to run errands on the weekend and you will be gone all day. Grabbing a banana or power bar is easy however power bars are not always cheap and sometimes you more than just a bar.

I was thinking about this more and more over the weekend and thought of a couple of things to stock in my pantry/fridge so I can grab ’n go:

·         Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
·         Protein powder in a Blender Bottle (just add water and ice and shake --- I like Vega chocolate and it also makes sure that I drink enough water in my day)

Fridge (no microwave required):
·         Pesto pasta (in particular tortellini pasta = more hearty) I eat cold and it just reminds me of a pesto salad than COLD pasta.
·         Lettuce/Cheese sandwich (make sure the lettuce is really dry or else it will get soggy) and sometimes I will  put tempeh bacon on this too.
·         Veggie wrap – be careful if putting hummus on this as the spread can make the tortilla wrap soggy. I would go for beans (whole like pinto) or just straight veggies.
·         Yogurts
·         Celery or carrot sticks
·         Chia seed drink – I get the snack/lunch size Tree Top apple juice (plastic bottles), take a sip from the bottle, put 2-3 teaspoons of chia seeds in the bottle, refill with water to the top again, put the top back on and shake. The Chia seeds have omega-3’s, protein, fiber and much more nutrients in them. Also when refrigerated overnight, the chia seeds expand from the liquid and the drink becomes quite filling!

·         Frozen grapes (separate into snack bags to grab ’n go)

 This what I’ve thought of so far however hope to add to it. Please comment if you have other fav, grab ‘n go items even if it is a power bar as maybe it’s heartier than what I eat. Thanks!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Spending Fast: Day 3

So today is already starting a little bit hard =
I wasn't able to make lunch last night with the in-laws in town, and trying to be a good host; so I don't have a lunch :-(

Also tonight, we are invited over to the hubbie's uncle's house and I was told that there will not be any vegetarian/vegan options. I get pretty used to eating something different than others however didn't want to appear rude if I have already eaten before arriving or bring something for me to eat. The hubbie is encouraging me to go buy my food = going against what I'm trying to achieve.......ugh. If I lived closer to town, I would just go home and make something however we live too far out to do so.

Lesson I'm learning: Put your needs before others if you really want to achieve your goal.

P.S. Definitely not used to doing that.....but it's true. If you think about it, even on a spiritual or physical level (i.e. wanting a more calm life or to lose weight), in order to achieve your goal, you can't give have to stand for what you know is good for you.

SOLUTION  Going to Qdoba and using a buy one get one free coupon --- so still "saving" with a free burrito that I will bring with me tomorrow while running errands in town all day.

Over Goal: Aprox. $7

Thursday, May 2, 2013

My Spending Fast

So I'm giving myself the 30 challenge before quitting my job to go on a "Spending Fast." I live a pretty frugal life already so honestly this is going to be a little hard honestly…..

I'm telling myself to spend money on only what I NEED instead of, "Well, it's under $5…ya only live once……." and any other excuse to spend beyond my needs. Also to boot, I live about 30mins out of town so if I forget something at home of needs something, including a snack, I plan to bring more with me in my car as a "just in case."

In order to help me with this Fast, so I have my priorities and focus, I have made a list of what I believe to be need and want:

Eating out/happy hours 1x/week - more of bummer as I was pretty frugal when I did go out = normally spending $10
Gifts - will be recycling, re-gifting or making all gifts
Cell phone/internet
School loan payment
New hobbies or crafts
Groupons or Living Social Deals
Auto Incidentals (just in case = have to get to school)
Specialty Coffees at Coffee Shops
Medical exams
Contact Lenses

As you can see from Wants List, that I really don't have anything extravagant. My haircuts along with color, styling, waxing were under $60 an appointment. Now, I am dying my own hair from color and processor that I get from Sally's that cost $6-8 for both however it lasts me about 6-8 months totaling a whopping $1/month. For eating out or happy hour, luckily I live in Reno where I can go for a happy hour or get something to eat for under $10. I normally ate out only one time a week any how so…'ll be interesting to see how I get around this one.

Couple of Clarifications:
  1. Specialty Coffees at Coffee Shops - I'm allowing drip coffee as it's much cheaper but the main reason for this is some study groups for school meet at Starbucks and sometimes it good to keep in contact with some of your professional network. To save even more money, When I can buy Starbucks bagged coffee on sale (or ask for it for Christmas gifts) and then use the empty bag to get my FREE coffee. I also have a gold card that I use in order to rack up points towards a free food item or coffee.
  2. Contact Lenses - I wear glasses and contact lenses. I prefer to wear my contacts when I'm dancing, or doing other physical activities; however, I just bought my last pair of glasses and now have "an extra pair" as my bang-up glasses. I am not really in a position to afford more contacts and the solution to clean then when I need food and gas.

Lastly, the reason why I am doing this beyond the obvious of needing to live like this once I quit my job to not go into debt due to cost of living expenses, is……..I have a lot of things at home that I have once bought and never worn, used, make into that craft/gift, etc. and would like to downsize what I have and only keep what I need and use on a regular basis.

Thanks for stating the journey with and if you have any tid-bits of advice, I would gladly appreciate a comment on this blog.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

1 minute updo

This literally too my 1 minute to do :-)
I'm in finals week so ponytails and updo's it is so anything quick that I can accessorize and look acceptable is perfect. (I didn't accessorize this look however you can add flowers and barrettes, etc. for fun.
  1. Put your in a high ponytail
  2. Pull the elastic away from the scalp so you can part your hair, leaving a channel for the hair to be pulled through
  3. Pull you hair through the channel from the bottom up (so now the ponytail hair is flipped upwards)
  4. Flip your head forward and back comb the hair
  5. Put an elastic at the bottom of the ponytail hair (may need to comb out the tease a little on the top hair for "neatness")
  6. Tuck the elastic underneath the hair, close to the first elastic and bobby pin into place

Friday, March 22, 2013

Making Money on Bing

Get rewarded while surfing the internet!

I use Bing as a search engine to look up show-times, research travel sites or other misc. things and earn point while doing it. I signed up for Bing rewards through my Live account and starting surfing.

You get automatic points for "signing-up," referring friends, and every day there is a spotlight topic that you can click on to automatically earn 1 point. Mind you, you top out every day at 16 points (about 30 searches); however, with referring friends and do some other requests from Bing, you can earn 100 points at a time. At around 400 points, you can start to redeem your points for a promotional code for some of the following:

  • Red Envelope $15
  • ProFlowers $15
  • Starbucks $5
  • $5
  • Groupon $5
  • Xbox points
  • Redbox Rentals
  • Donations to different Charities

I've redeemed my points mainly at and have use them on purchasing textbooks. At least for you can put in the promotional code and let the points sit on your account until you are ready to use them.
Honestly, even if you don't use Bing......try it out, get your points and have a fatter wallet around Christmas time by earning free stuff while surfing the net. Who knows, you may even like it.