Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Crochet Wrist Sweatband

Since I started trail running and now it is July in Reno, NV where the temperature can hit 100 degree plus, it's HOT here. Even with sweatproof sunscreen, it doesn't matter. At that temperature and creating body heat, you're melting and sweat is going to drip into your face.

So with staying frugal and especially for something like a sweatband...I didn't want to spend money on something that is soaking it up. I went through my old yarn to see what I had and luckily I have some remnants of 100% cotton yarn from when I made dishcloths and eye make-up remover  pads.

Here's the pattern:

  • chain 12
  • in the second stitch, single crochet all the way across
  • chain 2 and turn, double crocheting (through broth loops) all the way across again 
    • Let's call a row of single with a row of double crochet a "set"
  • chain 1 and turn, single crochet (through both loops) all the way across
Repeat this pattern of alternative a double crochet line for a single until you hit your desired length. I did 8 "sets." With my left hand, I just held the seams together and tried pulling the sweatband over my hand a couple of times to make sure that it was snug enough before finishing.

**Remember that the cotton will stretch a little over your hand and you don't want it too baggy. Especially when wet, it can get annoying if it hangs too low on your wrist.

To finish:
  • I single crocheted through the loops of both ends which made a chain along the width of the sweatband. You can sew the ends together for a more seamless look. 
By the way, this sweatband idea can also be used for a coffee cozy if you are in need on one :-) = easy, fast but great Christmas idea.

I like the idea of this sweatband being cotton like a towel because I have used it like a dishcloth when I had nothing else around and a tissue was too flimsy to clean up from dirt (on me) while on the trail.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Fourth of July Nails

JUST got done painting my Fourth of July nails.... I still have to clean them up however you get the idea :-)