Friday, May 3, 2013

Spending Fast: Day 3

So today is already starting a little bit hard =
I wasn't able to make lunch last night with the in-laws in town, and trying to be a good host; so I don't have a lunch :-(

Also tonight, we are invited over to the hubbie's uncle's house and I was told that there will not be any vegetarian/vegan options. I get pretty used to eating something different than others however didn't want to appear rude if I have already eaten before arriving or bring something for me to eat. The hubbie is encouraging me to go buy my food = going against what I'm trying to achieve.......ugh. If I lived closer to town, I would just go home and make something however we live too far out to do so.

Lesson I'm learning: Put your needs before others if you really want to achieve your goal.

P.S. Definitely not used to doing that.....but it's true. If you think about it, even on a spiritual or physical level (i.e. wanting a more calm life or to lose weight), in order to achieve your goal, you can't give have to stand for what you know is good for you.

SOLUTION  Going to Qdoba and using a buy one get one free coupon --- so still "saving" with a free burrito that I will bring with me tomorrow while running errands in town all day.

Over Goal: Aprox. $7


  1. That's cool Valerie. Honestly I didn't even understand first that it was your blog. I opened it and just started reading right away as I got curious because of the name and wanted to see what it was all about :) And only when I finished I wanted to know more about the girl and saw it was you hahahhahah :)))) curious to see how it goes because I totally agree with you on the subject! Keep us posted and be strong!

    1. Hi My friend,

      LOL that is too funny. Thanks!!! Glad to you are following in this journey :-)

      On the right hand side of my blog, you can "Join this site" or subscribe by email too ;-)

  2. That's a bummer that there won't be an vegetarian/vegan options...not even a veggie dish or salad? I'm sorry you didn't get to make your lunch, but it seems like you came up with a good, frugal solution!

    1. I know, I felt the same way. :-( I asked if there would be Frijoles con Arroz but they are having Carne Asada instead.

      And the lunch, yeah, I totally spaced it with visiting and this morning didn't have time to make one....I was also trying to be quite but made coffee for everyone.But TRUE, at least a frugal solution is better than saying, "Screw it!" and splurge. :-)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. UPDATE:
    Realized that my coupon only works after 5pm; however, I just remembered that I have enough reward points at Qdoba to eat for free :-) SO....I'm not spending money but really just got lucky on eating out this time so I'm going to leave the "Over Goal" dollar amount as my previous spending has saved the day LOL
